Sunday – 2nd February 2025
SATURDAY 2nd February (Sunday Vigil Mass) |
SUNDAY 2nd February The Presentation of the Lord |
10.30am |
Our Parish Family |
MONDAY: 3rd February St Werburgh |
9.30am |
TUESDAY 4th February |
6.30pm |
Eucharistic Adoration |
TUESDAY 4th February |
7.00pm |
Priest’s own Intention |
WEDNESDAY 5th February St Agatha |
THURSDAY 6th February St Paul Miki and Companions |
9.30am |
Joan Gilbert (Anniv) |
FRIDAY 7th February |
SATURDAY 8th February (Sunday Vigil Mass) |
5.45pm |
Our Parish Family |
SUNDAY 9th |
10.30am |
Stan Beardwood |
SATURDAY 1st February (Sunday Vigil Mass) |
5.45pm |
Ruth O’Connor (Anniv) |
THE ENQUIRY GROUP: Our next meeting will be on Thursday, 20th February at 7pm in St Vincent’s Hall.
DIOCESAN YEARBOOK: The new Year Books are available in the porch £7 each for you to buy. These contain information about all the parishes of the Diocese together with details of all Diocesan agencies
and groups.
CAMBODIA LINK: I am delighted to say that I will be visiting Fr Totet over the coming week and will take all our good wishes and prayers to him. I look forward to celebrating Mass with the parish
there and seeing the work that is going on. We now have a special bank account for our link with Fr Totet and his work in Cambodia. When he visited last year, we promised to help him raise $40,000 to build a classroom to support his work with children. If
you would like to donate, please make cheques payable to “Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link.” Cash Donations would be welcomed and if you would be interested in taking out a standing order to make a regular donation please give your name to Fr David. You can
also make payments direct via BACS to Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link, Lloyds Bank, Account No. 68321468; Sort Code 30-15-52. I am grateful that Knutsford Ladies Group have donated £100 from their Christmas Meal and the Thursday Coffee Morning has donated
FIRST SACRAMENTS: Our programme of preparation for first Forgiveness and first Holy Communion will begin on Thursday, 6 March at 5pm in the hall. This first meeting is for parents and children.
WE will give full details of the programme of preparation and dates for the celebration of the Sacraments. Any child in Year 3 or above who is baptised Catholic would be welcome to join the programme.
MANY THANKS for your generous offering last weekend which raised £442.15 to support the retired priests of our diocese.
A NEW BAPTISMAL FONT AND VOTIVE CANDLE STAND have been ordered for Church and hopefully will arrive shortly.
Parish of St Winefride’s, Lymm
RC Diocese of Shrewsbury a registered charity 234025
St Winefrides, 18 Booths Hill Road, Lymm, Cheshire. WA13 0DL
St Vincent’s, Tatton St, Knutsford, WA16 6HR
Parish Priest Fr. Fr David Long is 01565 633040 | e-mail |
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