Sunday 2nd March 2025
SATURDAY 1 March (Sunday Vigil Mass) |
5.45pm |
Our Parish Family |
SUNDAY 2nd March Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time |
10.30am |
Our Parish Family |
MONDAY 3 March |
9.30am |
TUESDAY 4th March |
6.30pm |
Eucharistic Adoration |
TUESDAY 4th March |
7.00pm |
Sean McAllister |
NOON 7.00pm |
Holy Souls Priest’s own Intention |
THURSDAY 6 March |
9.30am |
Shrewsbury Secular Clergy Fund |
FRIDAY 7th March |
9.30am |
SATURDAY 8th March (Sunday Vigil Mass) |
5.45pm |
Our Parish Family |
SUNDAY 9th March First Sunday in Lent |
10.30am |
Julian Pegna |
THE ENQUIRY GROUP: Our next meeting will be this Thursday, 27th February at 7pm in St Vincent’s Hall.
CAMBODIA LINK: Thank you for the generous donations that I have received. We now have a special bank account for our link with Fr Totet and
his work in Cambodia. When he visited last year, we promised to help him raise $40,000 to build classrooms to support his work with children. If you would like to donate, please make cheques payable to “Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link.” Cash Donations would
be welcomed and if you would be interested in taking out a standing order to make a regular donation please give your name to Fr David. You can also make payments direct via BACS to Knutsford and Lymm Cambodia Link, Lloyds Bank, Account No. 68321468; Sort
Code 30-15-52.
FIRST SACRAMENTS: Our programme of preparation for first Forgiveness and first Holy Communion will begin this Thursday, 6 March at 5pm in the
hall. This first meeting is for parents and children. WE will give full details of the programme of preparation and dates for the celebration of the Sacraments. Any child in Year 3 or above who is baptised Catholic would be welcome to join the group.
THE NEW GARDEN: has lots of bare soil. This is a great opportunity for any dedicated gardeners who are dividing plants and have some to spare,
please bring them along and watch them grow our beautiful Healing Garden. Plants can be left at the bottom of the garden hidden by the large shrub. The gardening team, Sue White and Marje Caine, will be most grateful.
FAMILY FUN QUIZ NIGHT: To raise money for the Cambodian School project. To be held on 11TH APRIL 2025. Doors open at 6.15pm. Quiz
starts at 7.00pm to finish around 9.30pm. There will be a 15-minute INTERVAL with free tea and coffee available. Contestants will be organised into teams of 6 or less. Tickets £4.00 per adult, £1.00 per child under 14 years of age. Entry Tickets will be available
after each weekend Mass. The church social rooms limit us to a maximum of 60 contestants. Get your entry tickets to be sure of a place. A Raffle will be held during the evening. A box will be in the church entrance to receive raffle prise donations.
ANNETTE WRIGHT would like to thank parishioners for the 90th Birthday joy they gave her with their good wishes, cards and gifts especially the donations to “Rescue Nepal” which totalled
Parish of St Winefride’s, Lymm
RC Diocese of Shrewsbury a registered charity 234025
St Winefrides, 18 Booths Hill Road, Lymm, Cheshire. WA13 0DL
St Vincent’s, Tatton St, Knutsford, WA16 6HR
Parish Priest Fr. Fr David Long is 01565 633040 | e-mail |
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